(0291) 426-0644


Legality of products became mandatory to be filled in order to guarantee that each product produced is a legal product. With this will certainly increase customer confidence in every product that CV. PRIMA PUTRA produces.

CV. PRIMA PUTRA is responsible for our manufacturing activities for environmental change by obtaining SVLK certification from the Indonesian government and all our products come from legal sources and all our exports are accompanied by V -Legal documents.

SVLK is an Indonesian effort to assure the legality of its timber product, timber Legality or SVLK serves to ensure that wood products and raw materials are obtained or derived from their original source and their management meets the legality aspect. Legal timber if the origin of wood, logging permits, systems and procedures for logging, transportation, processing, and trade or seclusion have proven to satisfy all, stop ilegal logging.


Legality of products became mandatory to be filled in order to guarantee that each product produced is a legal product. With this will certainly increase customer confidence in every product that CV. PRIMA PUTRA produces.

CV. PRIMA PUTRA is responsible for our manufacturing activities for environmental change by obtaining SVLK certification from the Indonesian government and all our products come from legal sources and all our exports are accompanied by V -Legal documents.

SVLK is an Indonesian effort to assure the legality of its timber product, timber Legality or SVLK serves to ensure that wood products and raw materials are obtained or derived from their original source and their management meets the legality aspect. Legal timber if the origin of wood, logging permits, systems and procedures for logging, transportation, processing, and trade or seclusion have proven to satisfy all, stop ilegal logging.

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