(0291) 426-0644
Left Double Seater

Left Double Seater

Made from solid teak wood and iron / aluminum, Berlin Collection Left Double Seater is very suitable when you want to relax or enjoy the sunset in the afternoon. This product is also equipped with Sunproof Cushion material that is able to withstand the blazing sun. To add the elegant side of Berlin Collection Left Double Seater product, a powder coating process is carried out which aims to prevent the product from rusting easily. Coupled with the presence of batyline material in the form of black branjang fabric in the holder and backrest makes it comfortable for anyone who wears it. In addition, this product also undergoes a process whereby the wood used is stained with gray by using environmentally friendly water which is commonly ca
Dimensions 158x82x73
Volume 0.953
Materials Iron
Solid Teak Wood
Weatherproof Cushion
Batyline Fabric
Finishing Powder Coating
Water Based Gray Stain


Left Double Seater

SKU: BC-04 Categories: ,

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