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Shipping Information for Anja Furniture Living

To facilitate shipping, you need information about Anja Furniture. Whether it’s local delivery or broader range shipping, Anja Furniture Living has its own delivery methods.

Anja Furniture Living Shipping

We use several shipping services, including sea, air, and land routes. Anja Furniture Living provides convenience in the shipping process by sending goods from Semarang Port.

Advantages of Anja Furniture Living Shipping

Anja Furniture Living is known for offering personalized service with care to customers and continually improving the shipping process. This is done to maintain customer trust and satisfaction.

Moreover, furniture can be difficult to ship if it is too large or heavy. Therefore, as a furniture company, Anja Furniture Living has chosen Semarang Port as the most suitable route and solution for shipping goods.

Effective Shipping Time

Time is one of the most important factors in a transaction. Most customers prefer a company or business that offers easy, fast, and safe delivery estimates.

Anja Furniture Living provides easy access to shipping services through Semarang Port, with the advantage that customers do not have to wait a long time for their goods to be transported and delivered to the destination.

Able to Reach All Areas

As a large company, Anja Furniture Living understands that customers come from both within and outside the city, including other islands. Therefore, shipping services need to be carefully considered.

We choose Semarang Port because it can reach all areas, such as Kalimantan, Java, Sumatra, and other regions.

Shipping services from Semarang Port have become a mainstay for large businesses to ship goods to other cities and between islands in Indonesia.

Once the customer’s goods arrive at the destination port, the customer or recipient can easily arrange to collect the items.

By using Semarang Port, customers can directly pick up their goods at the destination port once they have arrived.

Maximizing Shipping Loads

Additionally, shipping services from Semarang Port are more cost-effective and have greater capacity for shipments. Anja Furniture Living has also collaborated with Semarang Port for customer shipments.

We have obtained legality from the shipping company. Moreover, Semarang Port has more flexible capacity, meaning it can handle goods that are typically difficult to ship via land (trucking) or air cargo.

As a furniture company, Anja Furniture Living considers the capacity for large quantities and the large size of furniture.

We ship from Semarang Port to provide excellent service and flexibility at all times. Customers need not worry about damaged goods as shipping from Semarang Port ensures product quality is maintained.

Anja Furniture Living Shipping Terms

As a furniture company, Anja Furniture Living has specific procedures that customers must follow when making a transaction, including shipping terms.

After the consumer makes a payment, Anja Furniture Living must ship the goods within 7 (seven) days. We aim to prevent any delays in delivering goods to customers.

Things to Consider During the Shipping Process

During the shipping process, not everything goes smoothly. As a furniture company, we advise customers to pay attention to the following:

  • Shipping Delays: Anja Furniture Living advises customers about potential delays due to factors beyond our control such as material shortages, shipping delays, and port clearing and payment issues. These are not our responsibility.
  • Payment Quotations (Transactions): Port service charges arise from services provided by the port operator. Therefore, the rates should be clear, including the type of service and its implementation.

In setting rates, it is usually based on the volume of production formed or to be formed, considering several key principles as the basis for user service frameworks.

Anja Furniture Living is responsible for shipping costs, including document fees, handling and local transportation costs, port loading fees, and other local charges associated with packing and container shipping.

  • Financing Quotations: Anja Furniture sets costs included in D.D.C (Document & Destination Charges), excluding customs fees. Some international ports impose D.D.C fees upon arrival and handling of shipments at local destination ports.

Shipping Terms

Anja Furniture Living will ship according to the following terms:

  • Shipping of goods in 20-foot containers – 45 containers with an estimated time of 60 days after the company receives the deposit or final adjustment confirmation.
  • Shipping of 40-foot – 60-foot containers with an estimated time of 75 days after the company receives the deposit or final adjustment confirmation.

The company’s customer service partners will contact you to arrange a convenient delivery appointment. For customs matters, you can contact your customs department for more information on D.D.C fees.

Advantages of Container Shipping:

Besides accommodating large quantities, shipping from Semarang Port using containers has other advantages:

  • Goods are transported using robust heavy equipment, maintaining product quality.
  • Loading and unloading labor using containers are skilled professionals, ensuring product safety.
  • Cost-wise, container shipping from Semarang Port is more economical for large shipments.
  • Container shipping is more reliable; Anja Furniture Living understands that gaining customer trust involves ensuring goods arrive in good condition and meet quality expectations. Thus, Semarang Port is a suitable choice for shipping services.

Shipping information is crucial for customers. We strive to maximize shipping efficiency to ensure goods reach consumers quickly.

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